Chile Business Networking
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KTHDP Chile: Fostering Networking and Business Growth, Serving as a Hub
 for Connections, Services, Products, Volunteering, and Employment Opportunities.
KTHDP CHILE: Fomentando la creación de redes y el crecimiento empresarial, sirviendo como
un centro para conexiones, servicios, productos, voluntariado y oportunidades de empleo.

About Us

Introduction to Know Thy Heritage Inc. (KTH)

KTH empowers Palestinian youth in the Diaspora by deepening their understanding of their Palestinian identity, culture, history, and traditions, while also enhancing their awareness of the Palestinian economic environment, political landscape, social structures, and current conditions.

KTH’s impact goes beyond individual growth, playing a crucial role in sustaining Palestinian culture and supporting the global Palestinian movement. Despite the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, KTH provides valuable opportunities for diaspora Palestinians to connect with their heritage and strengthen their ties to Palestine.

In essence, KTH’s efforts not only empower young Palestinians and enrich their identities but also fortify the global Palestinian community. This underscores the importance of such initiatives in advancing Palestinian self-determination and peace.

As a pivotal hub for the Palestinian diaspora across all generations, KTH has become a vital resource and connection point, actively serving and engaging with the Palestinian diaspora.

For more information about KTH visit our website https://kthps.org/

KTH Dato Paisano: Fostering Community and Business Growth

KTH Dato Paisano emerged from the desire to build a vibrant community and support the businesses and initiatives of Know Thy Heritage (KTH) Alumni in Chile, including Belen Ahus, Carolina Abara, and Maria Isabel Carmi, who are integral members of the Arab Palestinian diaspora in Chile. This digital platform serves as a hub for connection and collaboration, addressing various needs such as searching for services, offering products, and promoting entrepreneurship.


Our Vision

  • Community Building: Creating a strong and cohesive community among the Arab Palestinian diaspora in Chile.
  • Economic Support: Promoting and supporting Palestinian-owned businesses to foster economic growth.
  • Entrepreneurial Promotion: Encouraging and aiding entrepreneurship within the community by providing necessary resources and connections.



One of KTH’s primary goals is to enhance the diaspora’s understanding of Palestine, fostering a network that collaborates for the betterment of all Palestinians across various sectors, particularly in business services. This initiative aims to:

  • Strengthen Connections: Facilitate meaningful connections among community members, businesses, and entrepreneurs.
  • Support Services: Provide a platform where individuals can easily find and offer services, creating a robust support system.
  • Promote Growth: Encourage the growth of businesses and entrepreneurial ventures by offering a space for resource sharing and collaboration.


Platform Features

  • Digital Hub: A dedicated digital space where the community can interact, share resources, and support each other.
  • Service Directory: A comprehensive directory for searching and offering services, making it easier for community members to connect with what they need.
  • Entrepreneurial Resources: Access to tools and information that support entrepreneurial efforts and business growth.


Impact Goals

 By leveraging the power of digital connectivity, KTH Dato Paisano aims to:

  • Empower the Community: Enhance the overall economic and social well-being of the Arab Palestinian diaspora in Chile.
  • Foster Collaboration: Build a network of businesses and individuals working together towards common goals.
  • Strengthen Ties with Palestine: Deepen the diaspora’s connection to Palestine, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

Dato Paisano stands as a testament to the power of community, entrepreneurship, and collaboration in driving positive change and fostering a resilient, thriving diaspora.


Our Focus: Strengthening the Community

Our mission is to bolster the community by fostering economic growth and unity among Palestinians in Chile. We achieve this by:

  • Economic Empowerment: Promoting and offering services provided by Palestinians in Chile, driving local business growth and prosperity.
  • Building Networks: Creating connections between entrepreneurs, businesses, service providers, and supporters of Palestine and the Arab world, facilitating meaningful collaborations.
  • Resource Sharing: Providing a platform to share resources, ideas, collaborations, and opportunities that align with the goal of supporting the Arab world.
  • Supportive Environment: Offering a safe and dedicated space where entrepreneurs and businesses can find mutual support, collaborate, and promote their initiatives for the community’s benefit.



This initiative serves as a powerful advocacy tool for Palestine through KTH, offering a valuable opportunity to raise funds. The proceeds from this fundraising effort will be dedicated to supporting KTH’s mission and programs, enabling them to continue their vital work and expand their impact.